Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Silence Is Golden, Sirens are Not

Rochambeau Ave. is a mess these days. Though the "Backbone" and "Centerpiece" of
Providence's Historical East Side District", the use of Rochambeau Ave as an emergency corridor has placed an unfair and dangerous burden on every household along the avenue. Wholly a "Residential Neighborhood" the presence of Providence Engine CO#4 Fire-House raises additional concerns. With expansion of Miriam Hospital complete and the city's enhanced emergency response center boasting 40,000 calls last year, the frequency and intensity of Ambulatory Sirens throughout the East Side has increased proportionately. Unrestricted use of these Sirens is affecting the quality of life for everyone. The perpetual use of these Sirens now permeate every corner of the community. Both Providence Fire and Private Ambulances wail their Sirens up and down Rochambeau Ave with total impunity, past One Hundred households, blasting their way through the most congested blocks on Hope Street in their stampede toward Miriam Hospital. The STRESS, ANNOYANCE and DISRUPTION that these Sirens cause are incalculable! There must be a quieter and gentler way.
Like "Bull's in a China Shop the "Providence Fire Department" allows these Ambulances to trample and parade themselves around as if "nothing or anyone else matters". Tooting their FogHorns as they go at all times of the day and night, no hour is sacred anymore on the "East Side". Rochambeau residents get the one-two punch as Providence Fire Truck and Ambulance's
are both dispatched at the same time.
The failure of contract negotiations between the Firemen's Union and City officials have created a bitter tension between the two. As a result poor planning, poor co-ordination and a lack of co-operation between a disgruntled Fire Department, and City Officials have left residents without recourse. This Fire Department has done everything in it's power to trip up this Mayor. From
threatening to strike during the Democratic Convention, through their last minute denial of a
permit for City Fireworks this past Summer. With a sense of entitlement that betrays the trust and authority given them, the Providence Fire Department has developed it's own protocols that fail to take to properly take into consideration the rest of the residents in the community. The impending budget restrictions remind us that the "party is over", especially in Rhode Island", for all of us. Unless this "Public Servants" stop their juvenile behavior and make some real concessions there will be "NO CONTRACT FOR THESE FIREMEN". The Providence Fire Department needs to be reminded that they "work for the city" and not the other way around. At present there is only one place for the Sirens and Antics of the Providence Fire Department,
and that's in back of the line at the Ancients and Horribles parade in Chepachet!

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