Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Now during the Summer of 1999, I lost my job at State Financial Inc., a medium sized
Developer/ Property Management company. I was about to sell my condo, and figured I'd
go to Japan and try to retrieve a foreign exchange student I had dated and briefly lived with
in Jamaica Plain. Born a fraternal twin it has always been a life long quest to replace what I lost in the womb.....the intimate presence of another female body to curl up with, preferably in the most naturally appropriate fetal type positions! Despite my most earnest attempts I could not convince my Japanese friend to return to the states. I was however asked to stay with her and her parents in Saitama just 60 miles southeast of Tokyo......however I digress. You may read more about my times in Japan another day in my Chapter entitled "Twelve Steps to Marriage" where I will tastefully and anonymously discuss the most significant women in my life and how building upon my follies, interaction's and mistakes with these women, provided me with the lessons of life I needed to move toward marriage.
After I returned to Japan I sold a condominium I bought from the Developer I worked for
and made a COOL One Hundred Grand! I bought a Hot Red Jaguar, it was used but it was RED!
Read about it in my Chapter about Jaguars. I had money...... I had time, but there was a big
hole in my life and I knew I had to do something drastic and take action. Internet Dating! I had met some incredible fabulous women before on the Internet....but not in the Boston Area! After Five significant Boston bred relationships (see "Twelve Steps To Marriage") I decided to widen my search on J-Date to include cities within 50 miles.....and that made all the difference!
Her ad said "intellectual and unpretentious...easy practioner..." Mine said
"SJM40 with interests that no bounds seeks kindred spirit...", and the rest is "History".
That's How I found Providence!!


  1. How nice to hear the back story. Putting the personal in the siren story (and, btw, do you want to get into any sort of wordplay between "sirens" and "sirens") might help make the cause more sympathetic. The back story makes you a person! Very likable! And the twin aspect is cool! Although I suppose, as you've said, that's another whole story/book/chapter/project ........

  2. Wa the france story was quite moving.
