Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Fire Fights on Rochambeau"

One in the Right........"One in the right constitues a majority"........I've been saying that for a dozen years or so.....I believe it's certainly defines me.......all by myself......out on a limb.....taking a stand.......usually against the prevailing wind! My friends will tell you that "I am hard wired for controversy". It isn't true though......I would just as long , get along as peacefully as one can and often does. Yet I take exception with the prevailing "cultural DNA" that exists here in Providence, Rhode Island. That genetic disposisiton that allows one to look the other way.....and not get involved. I take exception with a lot of stuff people do, but my biggest concern here has caught me quite by suprise! Now there will be those who laugh and dismiss me immediately, as if "One "should have known better when living across the street from a Providence FireHouse. However nothing could have prepared me for the nonsense and disturbance I have had to endure these last 7 years as a result of living across from the Providence Engine Company 4 FireHouse. It is my hope to share with you this nonsense
and disturbance and provide an understanding of what fuel's my hearfelt and controversial contention that Providence needs to "Fire The Firemen"!

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