Tuesday, December 22, 2009

WayneR's "Rant of the Day"

Let's see, everyone in Rhode Island would like to see the Obama Administration visit Rhode Island, everyone but the Firemen and Police??        What's that about ??

Twelve Steps To Marriage (Step 5)

STEP 5            QUITERRIA

So it's the fall now and I am at the University of Massachusettes @ Amherst..........and compared to where I have been this place is heaven! I've gotten a $2500 PELL Grant, some work study and my father is coughing up tuition.

I am sharing an apartment in Sunderland, at the end of the bus line.......My roommate is a guy I met at Berkshire Community College.......we were in some Chemistry courses together and became freindly. I called him the Buddy....and he calls me the same........

we pretty much  had it made.....at least I thought we did......With our Associates Degrees we were starting at the halfway point.....I was now a Bio-Chem  Major and it looked like I just might Graduate from a decent Four Year College after all. Mark was a very smart guy.......even though he was from Pittsfield........ He had a photographic memory........ which would allow Mark to pontificate on any subject matter what-so-ever even when he had no idea what he was talking about ............

Later it turns out Mark is basically  "Full Of Shit " all the time! ....as I would find out increasingly over the course of our year living together.....

So I'm taking a full load of courses....Calculus , Organic Chemistry , Biology, Bio-Chemistry and for some odd reason "German", which I had taken in High School. But I am not a totally dedicated student. With 25,000 students there were a lot of distractions about.......I found mine after about three days wanderring around the campus......

I was in the basement of the Union somewhere and I stumbled upon the offices of the school newspaper "The Daily Collegian". They were looking for photo techs who owned their own cameras......... I walked in and was offerred a job photographing some professor who had just written a book...after that photographing some Fraternities........I caught Hell for show casing a Black Fraternity instead of a White Fraternity that had raised the most money during a Cancer Dance-a-Thon......I  photographed Jerry Garcia, Holly Near, Dexter Gordon, and most memorably "The bare assed "Dancers from the Kingdom of Bhouton"

I was offerred the responsibilities of editing the paper's photographs one day per week. It meant I spent 4-5 hours every Thursday night helping put the paper together for Friday's edition. I couldn't wait to get my copy of the Collegian on Friday mornings.......It was great to see my photos in Print......I was taught the three
essential requirements for a good photo journalism, the three B's Baby's, Beasts, and Babes......

It was however the 1980's......and  the University was sporting a very strong Women's Movement.....almost to the exclusion of men....... I mean it was much to difficult to hook up at the time.......it seemed like all the women I was attracted to were turning  out to be lesbians......one after the other.......not that there is anything wrong with that.........but I went two  whole semester barely registerring with the opposite sex.........

So while I was doing Great with my involvement as a photo tech in the school newspaper, and I was attending all of my classes, my grades were not so good. I liked my courses and all but I was taking some serious courses, that required some serious studying and well I was never a real serious student, not for very long anyway  ....... After two semesters I summarily flunked out of college again and went back to spend another summer  as a maintenance manager  at camp  "Johnny Appleseed" in Vermont.

I had to spend a mandatory semester off in order to return to the University....so I stayed at the Camp after the Summer...got a job working with some real Vermont carpenters ....I mean the guy's name was "Bud Carpenter"......building Pole Barns for "AGWAY" until the snow fell.......then I did my best to clean up the camp and prepare for the coming Winter.....I had been warned it would be rough!

It was fun for a while.....The horses hadn't been picked up yet and I got to ride them around a bit.... I had a couple of goats to milk ....and at least a dozen chickens.....and there was the pond, the sailboats, canoes, row boats, and the wonderful solitude of being alone in a cabin on a mountain in  middle Vermont. After all I had always callled the place "God's Country"......I had been left the camp truck and I knew of both Middlebury College and the University of Vermont in Burlington......I could always drive up to them and look for companionship....here out in the middle of "nowhere" I wouldn't be having very many visitors!

It all got old very quickly...with all the snow and the cold  I became increaseingly isolated at the Camp......I was heating with fire wood and I could not afford to let the temperture drop very much or my water pipes might freeze.......so I could never really leave the cabin for more than twelve hours......

Somewhere in late November I ran out of money,  food, and firewood. I was determined to make it thru my first Vermont winter so I just dug in.....after all I had total access to 160 acres of farm and woodlands  .....  There was a Mountain Pass Overlook in Middlebury where when anyone drove up to it with a load of firewood the locals would know you were in trouble and someone would help out by buying that firewood.    It was for if things got real bad.......I decided I neded to sell some firewood and that's how I met Raymond.

Well before I know it  it is 10 degrees out , there is two feet of snow on the ground, and I am outside three or four hours a day just cutting firewood for myself and some extra to try and sell on the mountain.....It takes me two hours to cut, split and load the camp pickup truck....it's an hour's drive and takes $10 in gas to get to the Middlebury Mountain Pass and back, and I still have to stack and deliver it...one full truck-load of wood sells for..... get this.......... $20!  Like I said that's  when I met Raymond.......

Raymond was a well known Middlebury Realtor and took pity on me with my load of firewood......he also took advantage of me and orderred Five truckloads all for $20 a chord! In his late fifties.....Real Estate was a struggle in Vermont...sometimes there were long intervals between checks....but Raymond had enjoyed some success...with an office in Burlington and a home and family in a fancy suburb off lake Champlian, Mallets Bay......he was a likeable guy and most importantly he knew people!

So here my plans to make it thru the winter are falling apart , I am struggling to make a living in the middle of Vermont with scant resources, a lot of pride,  an amazing amount of grit........but not knowing anybody I am tremendously isolated.........I sometimes go for days  with out speaking to anyone........the animals are gone
with the exception of the chickens.....but even they are disappearing one by one....I wouldn't find out until much later  my neighbor's penchant for  chicken dinner's..........

anyway ..Raymond takes me to Breakfast one morning at the "Crest Room" at Middlebury College. The
Cafe is open to the public and is the only place where  both the locals and school community  interact.
A Cheese Omelet with home fries, sausage, wheat toast and coffee is like $3.50.....Raymond seems to know everyone.....He decides for me that I need a better job, and he brings me before the President of Middlebury College at the time , if I remember right he was  "Lawrence Rockefeller".......He tells Mr Rockefeller that I deserve and need a job and that is that!

So the next day I am flipping eggs for Middlebury College Dining Services, working in the coolest Cafe with Middlebury College Students and making $8/hour......it's warm as toast inside and I can eat all I want.......and  as I am serving the locals, some making their living shoveling snow for the college, or the highway workers out in below zero weather I am tickled pink, that somehow and for some reason ...... Raymond has saved me !

I'm commuting  twenty miles to work every day but this is  the best job around....I am getting fed as much as I can eat, and I am making friends with the faculty, staff  and students who come to the Cafe for breakfast and lunch...one Professor invites me to his class on Contemporary American Films....I get to see every film John Cassavettes has ever made....I'm not a student but I am being treated as one.......

That's when I decide to cut my winter short and that it's time to go back to the University of Massachusetts @ Amherst as soon as possible......while in Vermont I had aquired a large Chevy Van a model C-20 with a staight six cyclinder engine. Basically a large Bread Truck, like a UPS Van.  I put a double bed inside suspended by rows of plastic milk cartons filled with books.....I wired it with lights and electric outlets.....

I cut a hole in the floor and one in a side panel to vent a small woodstove I would be using to heat the van with. I hadn't made alot of money during the winter and my plan to save money was to sleep in the Van for one semester. I figured to park it in the school parking lots or a friends driveway, eat out with the money I was saving from not paying rent, try to  find somewhere on the campus to take showers and then just plug-in for the day or night! ........and...........whenever I went somewhere I would't have to unpack as everything I owned in the world was with me in the Van!

I am getting to Quiterria.............

So like I say it's the 1980's and there is this very strong feminine empowerment movement going on
at the college.....and some of it seems to be at the men's expense.....there were no White Male  impowerment groups at the time.....after all we supposedly would be ruling the roost....no one seemed too concerned with  White  Male developement or empowerment..........

I am enjoying my classes......especially Bio-Chemistry which I ACE! I don't do so well in Mr Robinson's
Graduate Level Bio-Chem Lab though, barely eeking out a C......But My Organic Chemistry Classes are FANTASTIC and for the first time im memory I am excited by my teachers.....these guys are brilliant,
and it became a real honor just to listen to them lecture......even if I couldn't recite back every reaction they taught, like my roommate  with the photographic memory.......I learned about Bio-Chemical Pathways, Acid/ Base Reactions, In class I was re-taught the three B's....the  "Basic , Building, Blocks" of life, Molecular and Cellular Biology of life....of plant life, animal life, the evolution of human life.......I learned to seperate proteins,
using electro magnetic techniques, and centrifuge......I learned the differnece between an NMR and an MRI.

Before I knew it the  Spring was over and it was time to go back to Johnny Appleseed Camp one more time again......I had been using the Van to move people  after the semester ended.....The ads said "Man with Van" It was Good  Money.... and my Van was Huge! I took some friends from Bio-Chem Class to their new gig in Boston......one was moving into Cambridge with her new boyfriend, a Harvard Professor......she had a friend with her, an exchange student from Humbolt College in Northern California........Quiterria Perrera...an exceptionally talented Chemist on a fellowship.... of Portuguese descent.....dark eyes, dark skin, long dark hair...and a curiosity and vivaciousness that would not only see her hooking up with me to spend the night and weekend but also would allow me to convince her to come to Vermont and spend her Summer at Johnny Appleseed Camp in Vermont with me.

Quiterria was a breath of fresh air.......her western attitudes, her laid back view, her inate incredibly patient understanding of herself and her relation to others......we were destined to meet...and to explore one and another.....and we spent about a month living together at Camp in a tent in the woods. I resumed my job
as Maintenance Manager and Quiterria was a counselor.....with a bunk of kids......and she did not like it....
she clashed with the Camp Director Dianna..........and it was soon time to go.......

We had become pretty intimate in that one month at the Camp.....We could almost see a future ahead
of us......but not in Vermont....and Quiterria had to go back home to California ....where there might still be someone.....we stayed in touch for quite a while....and again I went to visit an ex-lover in a far away city ...only to come back at a loss and empty handed......

It wouldn't matter, I had spoken to an old friend from home....he was working for the New York City Commissioner of Traffic, Sam Schwartz....and he had a job for me.....it started only as a spotter counting cars and traffic patterns at $8 an hour....but it could and did lead onto bigger and better things.....
moving to New York City was one of them!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Twelve Steps To Marriage (Step 4)

STEP 4    The Camp Nurse   "Gail"

So I'm waiting around for the end of the semester......Pittsfield is well "the Pitts".......and I am dreaming about going to the Universityof Massachusettes@Amherst  in the fall.....and I get a suprise visit from an old friend Danny Shornstein from SUNY Geneseo, a fraternal twin in fact, who after three years is finally taking me up on my offer to work with him as a Maintenance Manager at his mother's Summer Camp "Johnny Appleseed" in Brandon Vermont........

I hadn't many plans for the Summer....in fact I had none........so I agreed to go up early to Vermont and once again as part of a "Super Staff" to help open  two dozen cabins, two kitchens, an infirmary, administrative office, and to put out the docks, prepare the stables etc....but this time it was for only 150 Staff and Campers, there was plenty of help, and plenty of women....

At the time my friends mother was one of only two female Camp Directors in the American Camping Association. Starting as a small baby sitting operation.....Dianna parlayed her gig into a full sized inter-racial Summer Camp Operation........and she had been doing it for twenty years now........the idea was to give the Camp to her son Dan who had been trained as a song leader and could lead a group of one hundred people in circles like the pied piper, and her daughter Amy who was good at "socializing" and cooking............he would learn to run and manage tthe finances, and deal with the kids, and I would help with the physical plant, the maintenance and daily administration....It was to be a six month a year job forever....and as a surrogate mother Dianna was providing me with what I needed most, emotional support, hard work, and a plan.

Dianna was like three credits short of a PHD......a PHD in Psycho-Analysis.......and she could be very shrewd.....she would have the Staff meet at night and encourage them all "to fuck one another"! And she wasn't kidding....she really believed a Happy Staff would lead to a Happy Camp.........she insisted on weekly encounter groups......she would practice her therapy on all of us, sitting us down in two chairs opposite one another and having us role play the different people in our lives........very "jungian".....

Her son Dan was incredible....he had spent his entire life at camp with his Mom....and he knew how to handle a crowd......he played a sweet guitar and he could lead a sing-along with a crowd of kids or adults around the camp fire like no one I had ever known.......we were as close as brothers can get .........

Well we are into the fifth week of camp and into the month of August before you know it.....some kids
have been getting stung by a bunch of yellow jackets and I notice a large Bee-Hive in a tree above my maintenance shack.

I get a long pole, wrap it with a towel, wire and cover the towel with screening material, soak it in kerosene,
light it and start burning down the Bee-Hive......30 feet in the air.......It's going pretty well and I am thinking
about how smart I am when just then I feel a sting on my left hand.......actually it feels like a dozen  stings.

I drop my torch, look down at my hand just into time to see some burning flesh above my thumb go up in smoke. In less time than it takes to shake a stick at a Bee...I have second and third degree burns on 4 square inches of my left hand........I am screaming...........

I run in to the infirmary...........their was a new camp Nurse that month......I hadn't met her yet....I knew she was going through a divorce though, and that she had a kid......I hadn't noticed what a beautiful and attractive woman she was until that moment when she first treated my burnt hand......this woman was a real "farm girl" a natural beauty, with a real warm prescense and just so relaxed........

Johnathan Richman, her EX ,wrote a song about Gail......he just called it "Jeans and a Shirt"..........and I know fully well what he meant when he said..."he always liked her best, just in her jeans and a shirt" .......
Gail was the sexiest women I had ever met.....again 5 or 6 years older..........and we just jelled, I mean we did the "Love Thing" that Summer.......Good Loving .....All the time, Everywhere, In the Shower, In the Infirmary with the Sick Kids, In my Tent, In the Woods,  In the Water.........When ever and Where ever we could, we were always fooling around....It was my Summer of "69"....

It took a full month for that burn to heal, and Gail took special care to change the dressing every day....she did such a GREAT JOB that today I can't even hardly see the scar.......

Like all good things....Camp ended soon enough......and as it was still my intention to go to the University of Massachusettes @ Amherst  I moved to Sunderland MA......Gail went off to Boston with her son to try and reconnect with her husband Johnathan.....and once again I would go and meet a lover in the city.....and once again it would never be the same ......and we were never able to connect in the way that we had........our window of opportunity was up.......I don't know why we didn't stay together...... we were so happy  ......... so attracted to each another....so much in love.......and ............we really liked each other!

WayneR's "Rant of the Day"


A "Quantum Leap"

                                  A "QUANTUM LEAP"


I had been waiting for a phone call for about 24 hours, I had an advertisement  in the BMWMOA ( BMW Motorcycle Owners of America) Magazine that came out the previous day and I was pretty sure that the call was going to come....so sure I immediately checked for messages once I had reached home............... and then there it was.....

You see,  I had been riding around  one day, on my "trusty old  motorcycle", a 1972 BMW R60/5, which  I have ridden for almost 30 years.......that and my sudden realization that I have somehow become  53 years of age, forced me to the conclusion that I had some how become a "Dinosaur", that I was "Stuck in the Past" and that I was hopelessly lost  riding around with yesterday's technology.........


So.........I had an extreme idea!     I would UPGRADE!!!!!

I placed My FREE AD in the BMWMOA MAG

 Wanted ...BMW Motorcycle - GS1150 - Loaded...This Century...Up to $10,000! ...Call Wayne

I had placed that ad in the BMWMOA Magazine 45 days earlier.......knowing full well that in the middle of winter and the middle of a depression.....there might be "one"  BMW Motorctycle Rider out there that was done riding for the season or for "Good"and just maybe for "whatever" reason ready to "Cash In" and pass  along their ride!

and now here with that first , and only, call was that "old geezer! Fred Lipsky BMWMOA MEMBER#39008 and he was a "landsman"....a member of the "tribe"......
turns out FRED had been a BMWMOA member for 24 YEARS!

Fred had called to tell me he was ready to give up his 2004BMWR1150GS, one of the finest Touring Motorcycles BMW had ever produced.........and it had only 21,000 miles......low mileage for a World Class Touring Motorcycle of this sort........ In fact Fred had really practically just "broken in" the bike............and I was going to be buying it "loaded",  for less than half the price of a new one!!!!

Compared to my old BMW R60/5 Fred's BMWR1150GS  weighs about 70 lb's more, it has a center of gravity proably 6-8 inches above that of my older R60/5....even for me it's a bit of struggle to hold up.....Fred explained that at  5'8" and 76 years of age he was just no longer able to handle the bike .....and he realized he could no longer ride the bike safely.........that was his only reason for selling........

                                                          2004 R1150GS
The Bike is an 1150cc and has 105 horsepower compared to the 650 cc's and 39hp on my 72 R60/5.......It comes with a full WindShield, and heated grips.....and an advanced integrated front and rear wheel braking system using three disc brakes with an advanced ABS with a uni-lever suspension all of course "shaft driven".......It comes with a full set of luggage.....an additional top case....and a leather tank cover and bag.

Well you know the saying "One Man gathers what another Man Spills"....I could tell on the phone that Fred was still somewhat reluctant to sell and  I knew I had only a small window of time.....to make the deal before he had a change of mind or someone else came forward to buy the Bike. I asked what Fred wanted for the Bike,  it was much less than the $10,000 I was prepared to spend.....I was IN!

I told him I could collect the Bike in a couple of days....I needed to get a Cashier's Check....... I wanted to prepare my pickup truck to transport the Bike.......and I wanted the  Motorcycle's Vin#   so I could pre- check that the Bike wasn't stolen with the Police.......Fred had never heard of that ....but he didn't disagree.

So I went to the Pawtucket Police Department's Vin Check on Main Street........I had brought the Vin#  Fred had given me and I asked if they could please just check the numbers so that I would know in advance if I was involved in a bad deal....... but they wouldn't do it! .....Then they  went on to explain to me that if I did in fact happen to buy a stolen motorcycle they would immediately arrest me and confiscate the Bike!

Now I am a little nervous.....I know to look for a clean Title....to pay by check....and to get a bill of sale.....
but otherwise it's "buyer beware" when you are buying a used motorcycle from a magazine ad.....there are "no guarrantee's".....how do I know their are no other claims on the bike???? how do I know the Bike is mechanically sound.......what if it's some kind of scam.............

I decide to call  BMWMOA Magazine and ask if anyone tthere might have some advice...... and am immediately handed off to Ray Zimmerman, a head executive at the Mag. I ask him what I can do to increase my chances that nothing go wrong with the deal. Ray has two suggestions.....first to make sure the Title is not a "Salvage Title" which would indicate the bike was rebuilt, and he suggests I insist on a  letter from Fred's "wife's attorney" whom he is in the midst of a divorce with, clearing the selling of his assets.......

It was certainly "Good Advice" but I wouldn't do it....I wasn't going  to embarrass Fred in that way ....I mean I did ask Fred about the divorce....but his word that the assets were his to sell was good enough for me.....Fred clearly held the Title to the Bike and as possession is Nine Tenths of the Law I figurred as long as the registration and insurance were current, and Fred turned over a Clean Title with a "Bill of Sale" I would be okay......

So with only my gut reaction to go by I load up the pickup , new ramp and all, grabbed  my leathers, gloves, motorcycle helmet, and set out to New Jersey  at 5:30am  last Thursday morning.........I arrive 4 hours later....10 miles off  Interstate 84,....... in the middle of no-where........

Fred's behavior immediately reassures me that I have "done a good thing" by buying this bike. In the first place, Fred is so in love with this Bike he is practically crying with the realization that he is "giving it up"! He immediately starts pointing out every scratch and flaw he is aware of......he shows me a log book where he has meticulously recorded the dates of all the oil changes for all his vechicles........he shows off the heated grips, the ABS, the aeroflow wind screen, he shows me how to pull apart the seat, how to lock the luggage, how to set the "throttlemeister"......

In the garage Fred has a second motorcycle....I want to say a 1983 BMW R100 with 120,000 miles and more impressively he has the fastest car BMW ever made , the M6.............He takes his time to explain the features of my "NEW USED" Bike,.....He wants to make sure I know what I am getting....and  mostly I  think, for me to know what he is giving up! I give Fred a big hug and Thank Him.......I am fully conscious......

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Twelve Steps To Marriage (Step 3)

Step 3                   PAULA

So here I am in the Berkshires, another Summer gone by and I am moving from the Summer Camp to Pittsfield in order to finish up my Associates Degree in Environmental Science at Berkshire Community College. It's January and it's cold as hell (?) here in the Berkshires....and it's quiet and compared to the Summer not many people around. I am rooming with two guys Tim and Tom , in a third floor apartment
on Brown Street. I am lonely as hell (?) and I miss my friends and the weekend retreats of the Eisner Institute.

It's 1979 and Disco is big here in Pittsfield.  Erma Bomberg just wrote about Pittsfield in her infamous book,
"If life is a bowl of cherries, what am I doing here in the Pitts." and now that's where I am at deep in the "Pitts" .......no more cabin in the woods, no more private 600 acre playground, no more car, no more room and board...no more stealing gas! After three years at the camp, all I had was a motorcycle, bicycle, three trunks of clothing and a couple of dozen plastic milk crates full of books.....oh yes and the purpose for my moving here, I would  finally finish up my studies and earn my Associates Degree in Environmental Science from Berkshire Community College, which would in fact guarrantee me entrance once again to the world of accredited colleges, this time at the University of Massachusettes @Amherst.

Yet in the mean time I had at least six months more to go in this one horse town, so starkly cold and devoid of culture. The town had fallen on hard times ever since General Electric, the largest employer in the Berkshires had started moving it's operations elsewhere. General Electric had badly polluted the Housatonic River with PCB's and I remember them under court order removing hundreds of 55 gallon drums with huge back-loaders, drums that they had just burried in the dirt alongside the riverside.

I had a full load of courses mostly about Water. There was a course in Wastewater treatment, one
in the Chemical Analysis of Water, one in Hydrology , one in Water Management. By the end of the semester I was swimming in water. Berkshire Community College was actually Academically Rigourous and I was kept fairly busy with classes, however there is only a small campus, and students were on their own socially. I was a litlle older than the rest of the class....

I went to the music festivals and the bars! As it was the late 1970's and there was some Great Music around
I went to concerts in Lexington and at Arlo Guthries Place in Lenox....I used to go to "Alice's Restaurant " for breakfast which was still around at the time in Stockbridge. You all know "Stockbridge" with the biggest Hotel in the Berkshires "The Red Lion Inn"...well downstairs they had their "Lion's Den"  where we would sit for hours  drinking beers and listenning to the best Jazz and folk singers around........another claim to fame "The Norman Rockwell Museum". I spent countless hours visiting the museum....Stockbridge is where the illustrator lived.....

and then there is the  "Griggs School" where James Taylor spent the best years of his life in Rehab......and wrote "I've seen Fire and I've seen Rain".....remember the lines "though the Berkshires seemed dream like on account of that frosting, with ten miles behind me and 10,000 more to go...". well if you ever hitch hiked up Rte 7 from Lenox to Pittsfield in the Snow....you know what J.T. is talking about......

But Pittsfield???  There wasn't anything to do! They didn't even have a working Movie Theatre back then.
There were beautiful lakes, and one could go ice fishing if you had the mind....or maybe some X country skiing.....but Pittsfield was basically a cold, un-hospitable place to live in the winter........that's how and why I met Paula.

We met in one of these incredibly huge Disco Bars that lined Main Street at the time.....I mean huge......
like the size of a football field!!!  With chairs all along one side and a bar all along the other........maybe two dozen people in the whole place....and loud music....really LOUD!! It was S T A R K !

One Satuday night, in the middle of winter.....I walk into this Disco.... and there's Paula , whom I
recognize from my Chemistry Class at B.C.C.. Paula's got it going on, she's an RN at Pittsfield Hospital,
and has been taken Continuing Education Courses at night. She is a well put together woman. I figure her to be about five years older.......she is a  GOOD LOOKING woman....has a GREAT ASS......and by the way happens to be the perfect height and weight for me! At the time I was super attracted  to this lady......

We bought each other some drinks, danced a little Disco, and then we Hooked-Up for the next 12 weeks......Paula was from Brooklyn and as a I am a Native New Yorker, we naturally got along.......We kept each other warm at night...we shared meals, evenings, weekends, mostly in her Queen Sized Bed, ......and we also kept our relationship to ourselves.......the sex was Great! The company was FUN!........but I wasn't writing home to Mom about Paula.....we weren't thinking long term.......we just knew it was good at the time, better than being alone.......but we were never "magically-in-love", and after all I was going to be finally leaving the Berkshires and heading East for UMASS and the Pioneer Valley  in the fall....

Paula slipped out of my life as effortlessly as she had slipped into it.......and she didn't leave much.......not
even as much as a photo or a memento to remember her by......her image and the times we spent together, ...... have been thoroughly etched in my mind........ .............if not my heart!

WayneR's "Rant of the Day"

Local City and Fire officials should be tarred, feathered and run out of town for allowing  the developement of an Emergency Response Team the size of Texas here in little Rhody!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Twelve Steps to Marriage (Step 2)

Step 2          FAYGO

At 18  I wasn't ready for college......in fact I wasn't ready for anything. As a Jewish Male there was an expectation that I would go to college and beyond....I didn't want to......It was my father's ultimatum that I go right after High School.....or else he threatened he wouldn't pay for me. After two semesters at SUNY Geneseo I summarily flunked out and found myself back at home the following summer. My sister had gone to work in a National Park in Idaho, my folks were in England and I was left alone to my own devices. In college I had met a Rabbi from the United American Hebrew Congregations, the largest  reform Jewish organization in America (albeit the world). A part timer, he would drive up from  New York City to run the college's Hillel program. In order to assure himself an audience he used to bribe the students with free chicken dinners. Those chicken dinners were enough to draw me to his Friday and Saturday night service.

On a lark I gave him a call and got an interview with his boss  in New York City. The UAHC runs 13 summer camps in the NorthEast and I was offerred a maintenance position at the Camp Eisner Institute in Great Barrington Massachusetts, a 600 acre estate, once the jewel of the Berkshires built by a man named Walker, who developed the roll camera for Kodak. His daughter was an invalid and stuck in a wheel chair. He had built her  her very own Victorian Estate, with a Grand Tudor Style Manor House, forty acres of lawn and an Italian Renaissance Garden with Marble statues, fountains and all the trimmings. This way she would never have to leave the grounds. At one time it was considerred the most impressive estate in the Berkshires, which is saying a lot. There were forty gardeners!

An active farm, during WWII the government confiscated the property and raised chickens and pigs. There were dozens of chicken coops, barns and a slaughterhouse up on the hill. The UAHC bought the Estate in the 60's and converted it into a Jewish Summer camp. During the winter several Jewish youth organizations. would send kids up from New York City and held weekend retreats. In the summer the camp hosted 600 campers and staff. My job would be to mow the forty acres of lawn with a 36 inch Toro riding mower. I would start on a Monday and finish the following Monday. Then I would start again. I had been a busboy in High School but this was my  first real job! $1000 for the summer!

Part of the "Super Staff" I arrived several weeks early and began the arduous task of openning for the summer. The chicken coops had been converted into unheated cabins and had to be cleaned and readied for camp. The lawns had to be mowed, downed trees sawn, kitchen openned etc....There were ten of us but only I was responsible for the landscaping. After the summer when the camp closed I was offerred a part time job year round maintaining the estate. I ended up spending three entire years there. They housed me in the old slaughterhouse on the hill! They gave me room, board, salary and a car. I kind of stole my gas from them.........In retrospect they were the best years of my life!

 Alone in the Berkshires, basically by myself, and on this magnificent estate, this is where I first developed my appreciation for quiet, solitude and SILENCE!!! In the winter I went to Berkshire Community College waiting for the roar and company of the summer.

It was during my first summer that I met FAYGO! One of the first twenty ordained reform Female Rabbi's, she was tied to a bunk of teenagers 24 hours/day, six days a week. She picked me out immediately showing up at the maintenance bunk house room I was sharing with two other maintenance workers. It was the only way for her to get away from the kids. I only had a single bed, but she spent every day off she had with me. Now 21 years old, it was my first real satisfying experience sleeping with a woman. It was so easy, so simple, so wonderful, and it was mostly  her own idea.

Faygo was a strong, independent, and incredibly intelligent human being. With a sense of self, integrity and strength of conviction that clearly eclipsed mine, I was way out of my league with her. In those short summer months we developed a relationship that was fun, intimate and convenient. At the end of the summer she went back to New York City and I stayed on at the camp. We met a couple of times in the fall, but it was never the same. She was serious and committed to finishing her Rabbinical Studies and I was no longer in her plan.

We parted seamlessly and there was no pain. I recognized that she was gone, but the joy of having been loved and having loved remained. It would take several years, and a different summer camp before I would sleep with a woman again


THe Providence Fire Department:   Too many Indians...Too many Chiefs!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chief Morgan's Reply

April 9, 2009

Mr. Rosenberg

I recently received your package of paperwork, including the complted Civilian Complaint Form I sent you, on or about 2 January 2007, regarding your complaint. I certainly appreciate all the time and effort you have expended documenting this issue. I have reviewed your entire package of documents and photo exhibits and have taken note of those specific issues pertaining to the Providence FireFighters stationed at Engine Company 4, on Rochambeau Ave. I have spoken with  the chief of tthe Department about this issue, and we have taken measures to try and limit the siren use in your area. We have also made a point to inform all of the Officers permanently stationed at the Rochambeau Avenue FireHouse of your complaint. They have been instructed to be extra cautious when the weekly trash is put out, so as not to let any loose rrefuse articles blow freely in the wind. They have been instructed to be good neighbors, and to clear the snow from the city sidewalk as soon as is practical. They have also been instructed  to always operate their fire-truck in a safe manner during their mandatory daily performance operations, and to do so in the shortest possible amount of time, so as not to waste fuel.

As for your request for personal information, I am not legally permitted to divulge personal information  of those indiviuals stationed at the Rochambeau firehouse or elsewhere.

I can assure you that the firefighters are now fully aware of your complaints and I have directed that they be respectful and courteous to you, and all citizens, at all times. They have been instructed to immediately call for a police officer to respond if they find themselves before you. Again I thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.


Michael Morgan
Investigative Chief Officer
Providence Fire Department

US MAIL CERTIFIED 7006 2150 0002 3708 0746

25 Washington Street    Providence, Rhode Island 02903   401 243-6060   Fax   401-243-6487

Wayne's "Rant of The Day"

Providence Firemen are like their Sirens....Loud, Rude, and Unnecessary!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Twelve Steps To Marriage

Step One.  Alison

Born a fraternal twin I had as intimate a relationship that a human being can have with another, two strapping "feti" (fetuses) sharing the womb of our mother. As such I developed an appreciation for the companionship of the opposite sex from day one. It would take fifty years and twelve significant relationships before I was to marry and finally  re-secure the intimate companionship I had known from the start.

Growing up in High School there were four sets  of  twin's I was aware of. Based on what I know from these examples it's better to be a fraternal twin than an identical twin, and for a lot of reasons. Obviously if you really are identical, people can't tell you apart and how annoying is that......and the need to dress identical twins alike is Universal.....and then that whole identity thing...

Being a fraternal twin is different....not that we weren't dressed alike ....we were for a couple of years there...
but you get to watch, learn and appreciate how the other sex operates. At times my sister and I were extremely competitive......from day one we butted head to head and shoulder to shoulder ..... We stepped out into the real world five minutes apart. Ladies First of course.

The earliest film that was taken shows us constantly pushing each other around....she always won her way though....always got the last licks..While I was being protective, caring, and concerned,  she was being  calculating, coy and crafty...

No wonder I developed a need early on to be around strong,  independent, assertive women.

We took Baths together untill we were six........
We went to Day Camp untill we were  twelve
We went to Sleep-Away Camp together untill we were sixteen......
We went thru Elementary, Junior & Senior High School .......
Together untill we were eighteen....

We went off to college and than ............

that was it........

it was over!

She went West and I stayed East .......and.....

I "Flew over the Cukoo's Nest"...................

Looking for a replacement companion......

Someone I could be as close to as my fraternal twin".

It was a next to  an impossible task. Because my twin sister was a FORCE in her own right ,  The ultimate "TomBoy" Alison earned her degree  from the New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse  and has spent the last 25 years "Fighting Forest Fires" for the State of Washington, one of the few women in her field.

As a kid we had watched that T.V. show,  "Here Come The Brides", about a group of women brought out West to serve as brides for the men working the local mountain. You know "the bluest skys you ever saw in Seattle". Well my sister bought it hook, line and sinker. She went "Out West" early, found her Mountain Man, and pursued a life in Forestry. She lives on Puget Sound in a beautiful Homestead on a Tidal Plane that brings in crabs, lobsters, and clams. Bald eagles fly by all day long.....There are seals in the harbor.......

We don't speak much, in fact we don't speak at all........last time was at the wedding....

but there is more than a continent that now seperates us.....much much more!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My letter to Chief Morgan

Chief Morgan,

For the past six years it has been my misfortune to live opposite the Providence Fire Department Engine Company #4 FireHouse located at 270 Rochambeau Ave. It's been painfully obvious from my first day Rochambeau Ave that this FireHouse is poorly managed and "out of control".

Several years ago I noticed that the grass around the Fire House had not been cut and allowed to go to seed. Word on the street was that the city would not provide the FireHouse with a working mower.

My father is a Veteran, having landed with the U.S. Army 116 on D-Day at Omaha Beach.

With that in mind I headed across the street with my own lawn mower with the idea of cleaning up the place for Memorial Day. I was immediately stopped by all 6 firemen. It turns out that these Firemen were deliberately trashing the FireHouse as some kind of absurd protest against the city of Providence and the new Mayor, The Honorable David Cicilline. While I never drew the connection between trashing the FireHouse and the Fire Department's stalled contract negotiations, I did however realize that this was a particularly "juvenile" response.

Soon after, the FireHouse set out an unlicensed, unregisterred  trailer with a huge sign complaining about their lack of a contract. That trailer sat outside illegally in a "No Parking Fire Lane" the entire Summer.When forced to move the trailer rthat sign ended up across the street on the corner of Rochambeau and Morris at 273 Rochambeau Ave for maybe an entire year. That was the first indication that there was a connection between the Firemen and the occupants of 273 Rochambeau Ave.

Now over the years I have had a front row view of the operation of this FireHouse. Every year I noticed the Firemen never, nevr, never cleared the sidewalks of ice and snow forcing every resident passing by out into the street.

I noticed that every weekend the Firemen would pull the Fire Engine out for servicing. Left idling, unattended for hours at a time, the Fire Truck is always blocking the sidewalk, again forcing residents out into the street

I was alarrmed at the frequency and the intensity of of the sirens and foghorns and the disruption that they caused. I wrote to and spoke with the Mayor about constantly and deliberately  being woken in the middle of every night. I leafletted the community to seek support in an attempt to "Silence The Sirens". I wrote to and spoke with Chief Farrell concerning the overuse of these" Sirens". I contacted Local Union 799 Paul Doherty to enquire what these disuptions were about.

I was dismayed to learn that the majority of these calls were for routine ambulatory care. I questioned the use of an entire FireHouse for this purpose.

I was horrified watching and listenning while the drivers at Engine Co#4 backed up after returning to the FireHouse using their foghorns, instead of getting out of the cab to direct traffic.

I noticed the strong relationship  between the FireHouse and several ambulance drivers and that they would stop by for a smoke several times a day.

I noticed the firemen were throwing the blue latex gloves they use to clean theirFireTruck, up and down Rochambeau Ave.

On January 2, 2007 I noticed hundreds of pieces of Styrafoam popcorn littering my property. The source of this garbage was from 273Rrochambeau Ave. I called the city to register a complaint. I also picked up the trash and redeposited it on the stoop at 273 Rochambeau Ave. I believe the firemen across the street witnessed my actions.

At the time a Katherine Meyer from Lansing Michigan, was occupying the apartment. I had observed for almost an entire year that she had been driving a black cr with an out of state plate. I informed her that unless she registerred her car i n the state I would report her to the DMV. Almost immediately after, a constant stream of trash, road-kill, glass, nails dogshit, cigaretts and and in particular the signature item  of the top plastic wrap from a package of cigarettes starting appearing in front of my home in the exact three locations on an almost daily basis. My neighbor now tells me that one of the firemen at Engine Co.#4 had been dating Katherine Meyer.

So here is your motive for this asinine prank, some kind of juvenile vigilante firmen retaliation and vendetta.

I contacted Local Union 799 to file a complaint. At the time I did n ot know who was harrassing me and I could not provide their names. I spoke with Paul from my security company Ocean State Alarm. I was told it would be difficult and expensive to document this type of harrassment, because it was happening at night , and the garbage was being thrown out of cars at 40/mph.

I opted to install a cheap video camera in a birdhouse near my driveway. I made it obvious because I had really just hoped that this would just scare the perps away. However they called my bluff and doubled up on their efforts to trash my home, aggravate and annoy me. To this day they continue to throw every kind of trash, especially cigarette, candy wrappers, and of course their signature top plastic wrapper of a cigareette pack in front of my property.

I spoke to several attorneys that told me it would be best to get some kind of Video. I spoke with raphael Diaz from ADT. He also confirmed the difficulty  in capturing this type of activity on video. I finally spoke with B & H's security expert Ari Erenthal. He suggested a state of the art Mace VDR with a 1000GB drive capable of handling 4 high resolution cameras for 30 days at a time.

Now I have in fact recorded several instances of garbage being thrown from cars and ambulances, however I am not prepared to share this video with you quite yet. Anyway it isn't definitive and apparently several people are involved. I am prepared however to identify two of the firemen that have been harrassing me! Also I have actually witnessed  a passenger in a Universal Ambulance deliberately spike cigarettes in my driveway. It was still burning when i picked it up. It was a Parliament and I am preserving it as positive DNA evidence. Also the Providence Intensive Mobile Unit Ambulance have been spiking cigarettes in front of my property.

I now have noticed one particular Fireman walking across the street and spreading all kinds of garbage in front of my house, in this case oddly cut pieces of plastic, on at least six occasions. I have noticed this Fireman launch light plastics into the air which I am downwind from.

Now the FireHouse is putting their garbage cans out early on the weekends, depending on the wind,
overfilling them, propping open the cans and deliberately allowing the wind to blow their garbage up and down rochambeau Ave. Addiionally they kick over the recycling bins, this isn't done by scavengers, please note that the five cent deposit cans are stuill in the bin.

So when I called you last week Chief Morgan seeking to positively identify these Firemen I was suprised and concerned that you did not return my call.

My number one problem is 5'5" 150lb's, clean shaven, he appears to be the runt of the liter. He drives a phat harley, a phat Corvette, and I believe a small compact with license plate # R.I. SM45. Over the years he is repeatedly been eyeballing me and engaging me in stare downs.

The second firemen is about 6'2", clean shaven, short cropped gray/blonde hair. He has also
engaged me in repeated stare-downs and eyeballing. After one particular incident I noticed a red 6' 300 lb test Werner step laddar had been stolen from my backyard.

I filed a complaint about the stolen laddar with the Providence Police Department Officer Badge #364.
I asked him what I could do about the ritual trashing in front of my property. He suggested that at best this was a misdemeanor and would only result in a charge of Criminal Mischief.

This harrassment has been occuring for well over a year, I consider these actions much more severe and consider this a HATE CRIME!

I have long known this FireHouse to be an overly inbred racist fraternal Organization. Now I know it to be juvenile and I suspect anti-semetic as well.


I take exception with a FireHouse that trashes it's own property as some kind of juvenile response to their lack of a contract.

I take exception with a Firehouse that allows it's Firemen to sport "Fire  Cicilline" bumper stickers on city property, as an act of civil disobedience.

I take exception with a FireHouse that puts an unlicensed unregisterred  trailer in a No Parking Fire Zone for month's on end.

I take exception with a FireHouse that whines about not having a contract  wghen they are lucky to even have jobs.

I take exception with a FireHouse that refuses to properly remove the snow and ice from their sidewalks forcing every local resident into the street.

I take exception with a FireHouse that leaves their FireTrucks idling unattended for hour's at a time,
blocking access to the sidewalk and again forcing residents into the street.

I take exception with a FireHouse that deliberately blasts their sirens and fog-horns for
"NO GOOD REASON" in the wee hours of the morning, showing it's utter contempt and disrespect for the local residents.

I take exception with a FireHouse that fails to regulate the intensity and frequency of Ambulatory Siens running up and down Rochambeau Ave. Such that every day is 9-11 on Rochambeau Ave.

I take exception with ambulance drivers smoking in Oxygen ladden vechicles.

I take exception and at the same time a perverse satisfaction, with a FireHouse whoose inevitable auditory and respiratory failure's will cost the City of Providence  millions of dollars in health care costs.

I take exception with out of state drivers who fail to register their vechicles according to law, after 30 days of livig in the state. Cheating both State and City out of badly needed revenue.

Mostly I take exception with  Firemen with their own personal agenda's and vendetta's hiding behind the blanket immunity of the Providence Fire Department.

Now I expect you to provide me with the names and ranks of these two Firemen. I want to know if they have criminal records and I need an assurance that they are mentally competent to continueas Providenc Firemen. I want the roster and the schedule of the Engine #4 Company FireHouse .

I want an assurance that this harrassment will immediately cease and desist!

Because of the deliberate annoyance, aggravation, and disruption thse firemen have caused me I asked that they be removed from Rochambeau Ave.

Lastly unless you act decisesively I am prepared to contact every resident on the East Side of Providence
and inform them about what a bunch of jerks, jackasses and juvenile delinquentys are running the
EngineCo. #4 FireHouse.

I will harass this FireHouse 24/7 not with garbage, roadkill, sirens or fog-horns, but with words...hundreds and hundreds of thousands of words.


Wayne Rosenberg
287 Rochambeau Ave.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

WayneR's Rant Of The Day

Providence has become a City of Sirens. No Place or Hour is sacred anymore. Am I the only one who sees the deteriation in the quality of life brought on by this onslaught?"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Inner French


I certainly DID NOT!

I was 39 years old in 1995. My mother was visiting, without my father, from the West coast, when she inadvertently let "the cat out of the bag"..... She mentioned that my parents had been in Normandy France the past Summer. I wasn't aware they had been there that Summer but what she said next really shook my brainpan....

she mentioned how they had gone back to see where my father had landed as an
American soldier who had fifty years earlier, participated in
America's invasion of Normandy ......"Operation Overlord".

Remember... "Saving Private Ryan"... well that was my father's outfit. The 116th Infantry Battalion part of the US ARMY 29th Division. The BLUE and GRAY! The one with the Yin/Yang symbol....and I never knew it.

He was a QuarterMaster...the equivalent of a Captain, though a non combatant,
he distributed Gas....and Body Bags!

He landed mid-day on D-Day June 6th, 1944 wading ashore amongst 3000 dead American bodies.....the majority of them from his own Battalion.....who suffered the worst defeat of any American Battalion in the War, having landed between 0600 and 1200 hours an historic moment at the Verille Draw on Omaha Beach that day.

He actually spent that evening on the Beach.....amongst all those dead....

My father really had it stacked against him.

He was from the North
He was an Officer's Candidate
He was Jewish....

He ran an all Black Squad.....
They wanted to shoot him for dragging them thru this war....

He slept with a loaded pistol under his pillow....
and he never said a word to me about it.........not......


Well of course NOW I had to know all about it....

I read Brokaw's The Greatest Generation"... and

I saw "Saving Private Ryan"...then

I read Balkoski's "Omaha Beach"....
Then his "Utah Beach"...
Finally my wife and I just went to France......We flew to Paris                                                

We visited the Caen War Museum  Memorial

The Beaches

The Beaches......

                                          Gold Beach

      THE Beach                                    Omaha Beach


.                                                                     The Cemeteries....

When we came home I immediately enrolled in a French class
offered by the Brown Continuing Studies Department. Then I took another.....

I started listening to "Pimsleur" conversational french tapes. I went to
the Rock and armed with my French-American dictionary started reading LaMonde,
I had a French tutor for a short while...I started reading Prevert.....

and NOW I have been to France THREE times!!!

I read about the Maginot Line, of Petan, Degaulle, Joan of Arc, The "SunKing"... I have been to War Museums and War Memorials all over France....

and now after all of this...... I at least finally have just the slightest notion
of what my father went through, of what he had to endure.....

So NOW after all these years...

I am finally in touch with this ...

hidden dimensiion of myself,                Rodin Museum
House Boating on the The Canal Midi..................

I never knew existed.....

                                                                  "My Inner French"



Who the Hell are these guys anyway???

It's been 7 years that I've lived across the street from the
Providence Engine Company #4 FireHouse......

I still don't know their names....

Not their proper names anyway....

I wrote to the city asking.....
They won't let me know who they are.

At first I jotted down their license plates....
now it's gotten so that I've had to hire a detective....

just so that I know.......
just to find out....
who these guys are.........

They call themselves the East Side Rovers.....

I have my own names for them though!

I call them The East Side Whiners,
The East Side Smokers, The ButtHeads


I call them the "JJJ", short for,

jerks, jackasses, juvenile delinquents.

You can't do much about a nickname!